
Showing information about with version 0.03 released on 2017-07-23T21:28:01 by VPIT.
licenses: perl_5
Repository: repository
Issues: issues

Runtime Dependencies

Total: 2
Name MetaCPAN Author Date VCS Issues CI Licenses CT Pass CT Fail CT Unknown CT NA Coverage Dashboard Kwalitee Reverse
with CPAN version for with VPIT 2017-07-23T21:28:01 repository RT Add CI perl_5 396 0 0 51 84.85 Add dashboard 100.00 0
Sub-Prototype-Util CPAN version for Sub-Prototype-Util VPIT 2013-08-24T20:22:29 repository RT Add CI perl_5 0 3 0 0 96.55 Add dashboard 100.00 1
