Other reports
Some other reports that might be interesting that don't have a "place" yet on the web site.Weekly report
Some stats on what is the state of the CPAN distributions uploaded in the last 7 days. Once a week this data is stored in a file and displayed in the Perl Weekly MetaCPAN report.Start Date 2024-09-27
End Date 2024-10-04
Number of uploads (releases): 151
Number of distinct distributions: 110
Number of different authors: 76
Number of distributions with link to VCS: 116
Number of distros with CI: 40
Number of distros with bugtracker: 88
Text to copy to Perl Weekly:
The same numbers as above, juts in a format that can be copied to source of the report on the Perl Weekly.151; 110; 76; 116; 40; 88;